"In sub-Saharan Africa, there are 16.2 million Christians who are displaced by violence and conflict...." — opendoorsuk.org, Nov. 1, 2024
A Muslim security guard at a private school raped a 6-year-old Christian girl. "The girl... identified the school's security guard, Husnain, as the attacker. She said that he had covered her mouth to silence her during the assault." When her parents... reported the matter to the principal, he... threatened them with "problems if they took any action." — persecution.org, Nov. 15, 2024, Pakistan.
On Oct. 4, a Muslim man was arrested for plotting to bomb a church in Bergamo, ansa.it, Oct. 4, 2024, Italy.
Egypt's Mansoura University had some years earlier quietly republished a book — with Al Azhar's complete approval — dedicated to proving that, according to Islamic law and the fatwas of learned sheikhs, all churches in Egypt should be destroyed. — copticsoidarity.org, Oct. 5, 2024, Egypt.
Somalia's constitution establishes Islam as the state religion and prohibits the propagation of any other religion.... The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law according to mainstream schools of Islamic jurisprudence." — copticsolidarity.org, Oct. 24, 2024, Somalia.
The driving out of the Armenian population and destruction of ancient and medieval Christian sites has caused human rights advocates to label Azerbaijan's actions as 'ethnic cleansing.' Despite this and its reputation as a significant environmental polluter, Azerbaijan was given the honor of hosting COP29 [a climate change conference]." — persecution.org, Nov.11, 2024, Azerbaijan.
Another report notes how Azerbaijani textbooks indoctrinate children to hate Armenians.... — armenianweekly.com, Oct. 30, 2024, Azerbaijan.
Muslim groups are forcing more and more Christians to pay jizya, compulsory tribute -- essentially "protection" money -- that Christian and Jewish subjects of an Islamic state are required to render to their Islamic overlords per Koran 9:29. — acninternational.org, Oct 29, 2024, Mali.
If the authorities do not act, the population will pay taxes directly into the coffers of the terrorists.... — acninternational.org, Oct 29, 2024, Mali.
Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko [of Senegal] is asking all schools to allow young girls to wear the Muslim veil, or hijab. This includes the nation's Catholic schools, which actually have a ban on the hijab (due to security and other considerations). Because of this ban, the prime minister also referred to the nation's Catholic schools as "foreign." — fsspx.news, Oct. 3, 2024, Senegal.
On Oct. 17, police arrested a Christian man after he said on social media that the Koran was of not of divine but human origin—and that it promoted "racism" (or discrimination.) When police arrived at Rudi Simamora's home, hundreds of angry Muslims had already surrounded it. — morningstarnews.org, Oct 22, 2024, Indonesia.
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