US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has stunningly made it clear to US lawmakers that the Biden administration will not stand in the way of Russia cashing in on the $10 billion contract as well as Russia-Iran nuclear cooperation.
And the State Department spokesman Ned Price reiterated the Biden administration's stance by pointing out: "We, of course, would not sanction Russian participation in nuclear projects that are part of resuming full implementation of the JCPOA".
"The Biden administration is so desperate for a deal with Iran they'll broker a $10 billion payoff to Russia and waive their own sanctions to make it happen." — US Representative Darrell Issa, Washington Free Beacon, May 2, 2022.
In addition, the Biden administration is trusting Russia to conduct the nuclear negotiations on behalf of the US; to be the sole country to oversee compliance of the nuclear deal, and to keep Iran's highly enriched uranium -- able to return it to Iran if the mullahs request it, or possibly even use it themselves.
Fifty bipartisan US lawmakers urged the Biden administration "not to permit Russia to be the recipient of Iran's enriched uranium nor to have the right to conduct nuclear work with the Islamic Republic, including a $10 billion contract to expand Iran's nuclear infrastructure. We should not let war criminal Vladimir Putin be the guarantor of the deal or the keeper of massive amounts of Iran's enriched uranium. Iran supports the illegal war in Ukraine and has been supplying Russia with drones used to kill Ukrainians."
"This Iran Deal if and when it is announced will be a massive win for Vladimir Putin." — US Senator Ted Cruz, Fox News, March 9, 2022.
"Mr President, you're the only one in America doing business with the Russians, stop doing business with the Russians. Don't have them negotiating for us, walk on this deal." — US Senator Jim Risch, Fox News, March 9, 2022.
The Biden administration nevertheless appears determined to give Russia the biggest gift ever: an Iran nuclear deal, complete with enriched uranium for nuclear bombs to be used whenever Russia or Iran decide.
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Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He has authored several books on Islam and US Foreign Policy. He can be reached at Dr.Rafizadeh@Post.Harvard.Edu
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Pictured: The reactor building of the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant in southern Iran. (Photo by Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images)