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How 'The Collective Voice of the Muslim World' Weaponizes the UN against Israel - 06.02.23

Writer's picture: Michael JulienMichael Julien

by Bassam Tawil – for The Gatestone Institute.

OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) and the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) are infused with nearly incalculable wealth and most member states of the OIC have found themselves upbraided for questionable ethics.

One critic suggested: "If the OIC Summiteers are serious about the burning issues of justice, freedom and good governance, then they should schedule a special debate on the Transparency International's (TI) 2003 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) which ranked 38 of the 57 OIC member nations in its latest chart of the corruption levels of 133 countries... [it] is dismal reading for OIC as it is an overall indictment of the failures of the OIC countries to grapple with the problem of corruption..."

The UN itself is certainly not above reproach in the corruption department, as evidenced, among other cases, by the "Oil-for-Food Program;" the extensive history of "food for sex" with children by "peacekeepers" who enjoy immunity from prosecution; or the trial of Chinese executive Julia Wang, who attempted to purchase an influential UN post.

One may wonder why Nicaragua, not an Islamic country, and with significant problems on its own home front, would trouble itself with submitting the motion. A cursory investigation reveals some significant motivation: "With the majority vote of the Sandinista Caucus, the National Assembly today approved the Loan Agreement signed between the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and the Republic of Nicaragua... The project, which has an estimated investment of 23 million dollars, of which the OPEC Fund will finance 20.5 million..."

The OIC even attempted to co-opt UN forces as a pretext for Islamic military support of Lebanon's offensive against Israel.

Returning to the pre-1967 lines -- simply the armistice lines from 1949 where fighting had happened to stop -- is nothing short of suicide for Israel; it would be virtually indefensible, and the UN and all of its sponsors are well aware of that.

It would seem... that protecting freedom of religion, outside of Islamic fundamentalism, is not of any particular concern to the OIC or what now stands mostly as its legitimizing but rapidly crumbling front, the UN. The collaboration between the OIC and UN is simply a pretext to twist international law -- and public opinion -- to their own purposes, whether they are promoting themselves or delegitimizing the State of Israel.

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) presumptuously calls itself "The Collective Voice of The Muslim World," and simple observation of its activities would seem to place it as Islam's political Caliphate. One would wonder, then, how such a single-interest organization could lay claim to such a disproportionate amount of the United Nations' attention.

It is already a tired truism to say that the United Nations has a distinctly anti-Israel bias. The US became exasperated with this laser-like focus and, in unequivocal condemnation of the agency, withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in 2018 and, for the same reason, from UNESCO the following year.

Predictably, a UN Committee on the Status of Women resolution singled out Israel as the only state in the world to be condemned for violations of women's rights, as well.

How can such an overwhelming amount of time, paperwork and energy of the UN's extensive agencies, professedly representing global interests, be so single-mindedly devoted to the censure of a single democratic state?

Second only to the UN, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the world's largest intergovernmental organization.

Although the two organizations have worked in cooperation from almost the outset of the OIC's inception, their apparent meshing of operations over the years has become reason for significant concern to the world overall and to Israel in particular.

The OIC presumptuously calls itself "The Collective Voice of The Muslim World," and simple observation of its activities would seem to place it as Islam's political Caliphate. One would wonder, then, how such a single-interest organization could lay claim to such a disproportionate amount of the UN's attention, which presumably should represent the interests of the global citizenry.

Yet, by its own admission:

"The UN has taken a number of steps to institutionalize its relationship with the OIC by helping strengthen its capacity through mediation and electoral assistance, and by holding desk-to-desk talks with the OIC on areas of mutual concern, such as peace and security."

"The UN and the OIC share common objectives in promoting and facilitating the Middle East peace process and the question of Palestine," according to Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs Miroslav Jenca.

The UN Security Council (UNSC) has adopted resolutions that are theoretically detrimental to Israel, but they are fairly stunted in the scope of the damage they can inflict, as the US (and the other four permanent member countries: Russia, France, China and the UK, for that matter) retains the right to veto any of those resolutions.

The UN agencies in general, amid a flurry of resolutions, special commissions, rapporteurs and the like, are where more damage can be done, albeit primarily in the court of world opinion than in any significantly binding way.

Unlike in the UNSC, the UN General Assembly and UN Human Rights Council have no permanently enshrined members with the power of veto. UNGA and UNHRC resolutions are passed via consensus or majority vote.

A Venn diagram of members of the UN and members of the OIC would demonstrate that the 56 member-states of the OIC voting bloc constitute about 30% of the UN's ballot power -- nearly a third of the vote, but still not a majority. How can one explain, then, the persistent anti-Israel resolutions that require passage by a majority vote?

Expanding on the Venn diagram, by adding members of OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries,), one gets a better understanding of why non-Muslim countries such as Venezuela and Russia can be counted on by the OIC voting bloc: There are former members of OPEC (Ecuador, for example), who have no desire to alienate their OIC/OPEC friends in the event they wish to rejoin when they can meet OPEC's quotas or afford the membership fees once again.

"One of OPEC's most controversial actions took place in 2022 during the Russo-Ukrainian war. Many countries around the world had boycotted Russian oil in protest over the country's invasion of Ukraine, causing analysts to predict a global shortage of non-Russian oil. Despite these projections, OPEC chose to reduce production instead of increasing it. This move was seen by some... as a clear attempt to force countries to remove their embargoes and purchase Russian oil, thereby assisting Russia's effort to fund the war. OPEC has adamantly maintained that politics do not factor into its decision-making.

"In recent years, OPEC has begun making agreements with not just its own member states, but with a group of 10-11 non-OPEC oil-producing countries including Russia, which wields strong political power within the group. This unofficial coalition is typically referred to as OPEC+..."

It may not be so far-fetched to extend the concept of "OPEC+" to "OIC+." OPEC and the OIC are infused with nearly incalculable wealth and most member states of the OIC have found themselves upbraided for questionable ethics.

One critic suggested:

"If the OIC Summiteers are serious about the burning issues of justice, freedom and good governance, then they should schedule a special debate on the Transparency International's (TI) 2003 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) which ranked 38 of the 57 OIC member nations in its latest chart of the corruption levels of 133 countries... [it] is dismal reading for OIC as it is an overall indictment of the failures of the OIC countries to grapple with the problem of corruption..."

The UN itself is certainly not above reproach in the corruption department, as evidenced, among other cases, by the "Oil-for-Food Program;" the extensive history of "food for sex" with children (here, here and here) by "peacekeepers" who enjoy immunity from prosecution; or the trial of Chinese executive Julia Wang, who attempted to purchase an influential UN post.

It is becoming a little easier to see how the UN/OIC/OPEC trinity holds sway in the world theater and particularly how it wields its power against Israel.

In the UN's most recent demonstration of anti-Israel bias, the resolution to subject Israel to the judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) -- yet another branch of the UN -- one sees exactly how the votes actually work.

"[I]t wasn't a majority that voted in favor of the resolution," UN Watch legal advisor Dina Rovner explains.

"There were 87 countries that voted in favor of this resolution out of 193 UN member states; that's a minority of UN member states. 26 countries opposed the resolution and 53 countries abstained. So, unfortunately, the way things work at the UN is there is an automatic anti-Israel majority and... the result is kind of preordained."

Although this UN motion was drafted by "The State of Palestine," the Palestinians were not legally permitted to submit it, as "Palestine" is not a full member of the UN.

One may wonder why Nicaragua, not an Islamic country, and with significant problems on its own home front, would trouble itself with submitting the motion. A cursory investigation reveals some significant motivation:

"With the majority vote of the Sandinista Caucus, the National Assembly today approved the Loan Agreement signed between the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and the Republic of Nicaragua... The project, which has an estimated investment of 23 million dollars, of which the OPEC Fund will finance 20.5 million..."

The ICJ resolution is only the most recent demonstration of a long history of anti-Israel legislation sponsored by OIC bloc states at the UN.

For the full eight page article in pdf, please click here:

Bassam Tawil is a Muslim Arab based in the Middle East.

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Pictured: A special meeting of the OIC in Islamabad, Pakistan on December 19, 2021. (Photo by Farooq Naeem/AFP via Getty Images)

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