After agreeing to extend the monitoring mechanism of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) by reinstalling surveillance cameras a year ago, Iran then announced that it would not allow the IAEA to see images from the devices.
The Iranian regime is also refusing to answer the IAEA's questions about uranium particles found at three clandestine and undeclared nuclear sites in Iran.
Nevertheless, the Biden administration has yet to take any tangible action to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state...
The Iranian regime has also been setting up weapons factories abroad, and manufacturing ballistic missiles and weapons -- include precision-guided missiles with advanced technology -- to strike specific targets in other countries, including in Syria.
If the Biden administration would eliminate Iran's nuclear weapons, the move would not only spare the world from yet another ruthless regime that acts despotically at home and abroad; it would also immediately send Biden's poll numbers soaring.
The Biden Administration is sitting idly by while Iran's ruling mullahs continue to advance their nuclear program.
For almost a year and half, the P5+1 (the US, UK, France, Russia and China, plus Germany) have held fruitless negotiations with Iran, all while the Islamic Republic's theocratic establishment has clearly succeeded at speeding up its nuclear program by increasing its uranium enrichment from 20% to 60%, conducting uranium metal production, and adding additional advanced centrifuges.
After agreeing to extend the monitoring mechanism of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) by reinstalling surveillance cameras a year ago, Iran then announced that it would not allow the IAEA to see images from the devices.
Most importantly, the IAEA announced last month that Iran now has enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear bomb.
The Iranian regime is also refusing to answer the IAEA's questions about uranium particles found at three clandestine and undeclared nuclear sites in Iran. The IAEA stated:
"Iran has not provided explanations that are technically credible in relation to the Agency's findings at those locations... The Agency remains ready to engage without delay with Iran to resolve all of these matters."
The Institute for Science and International Security warned in November 2021:
"Iran has enough enriched uranium hexafluoride (UF6) in the form of near 20 and 60 percent enriched uranium to produce enough weapon-grade uranium (WGU), taken here as 25 kilograms (kg), for a single nuclear weapon in as little as three weeks. It could do so without using any of its stock of uranium enriched up to 5 percent as feedstock. The growth of Iran's stocks of near 20 and 60 percent enriched uranium has dangerously reduced breakout timelines."
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The Biden Administration is sitting idly by while Iran's ruling mullahs continue to advance their nuclear program. The International Atomic Energy Agency announced last month that Iran now has enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear bomb. (Image source: iStock)