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It is morally wrong to blindly adhere to net zero - we must abandon it before it’s too late.

Writer's picture: Michael JulienMichael Julien

At Cop28, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman was right to call out delusional Western leaders with their pie-in-the-sky nonsenseAt Cop28, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman was right to call out delusional Western leaders with their pie-in-the-sky nonsense says Allison Pearson for The Telegraph - 12.12.23

There was quite a kerfuffle at Cop28, that gathering in Dubai of the great and the green. Well, I held out as long as I could against the abomination that is the chocolate Advent calendar. What is wrong with the youngsters of today (Part 37) that they need a sweet treat to induce them to open one of the 24 windows in the countdown to Christmas? I have fond memories of my younger sister and I fighting bitterly over whose turn it was to peel open the little cardboard flap before we left for school, revealing an angel, a shepherd or the baby Jesus in his manger. Each picture was a tiny, fingernail-sized thrill that edged us ever closer to the big day. Oh, yes, we could do deferred gratification back in the olden times, she harrumphed. Then, this year, Himself brought a Quality Street Advent calendar home and my defence of Judeo-Christian tradition lasted, oooh, at least half an hour before I succumbed and opened window Number 1.

What a disappointment. Instead of the traditional sparkly, jewel-coloured foil and cellophane, the Quality Street chocolate was wrapped in drab, matt paper. I felt as deflated as an eight-year-old who thinks she’s getting a Barbie for Christmas and unwraps a scowling Greta Thunberg doll in a no-fun fleece.

When Quality Street posted about its new wrappers (made of vegetable-based wax), in celebration of Recycle Week, you could practically hear the national cry of dismay. Cheryl Allen, Nestlé’s head of sustainability – yes, there is such a person – said, “Quality Street is a brand that people feel very strongly about. We know that opening the lid and seeing ‘the jewels’ is really important.”

Yes, it is, Cheryl, so why have you decided to suck some of the joy out of Christmas by ditching the beloved foil coverings after 86 years?  “We think we’ve done a really good job with the redesign and feel confident that people will respond positively.” No, Cheryl, you really haven’t. The eco-friendly wrappings are about as appetising as poo bags. Everyone will hate them and never buy Quality Street again.

It may seem a bit of a leap from Sustainability Cheryl to Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister, but please bear with me. The prince caused quite a kerfuffle at Cop28, that gathering in Dubai of the great and the green, when he refused to agree to a “phasedown/phase-out out” of oil, which delegates were expected to agree on by yesterday. (As I write, agreement still seems elusive. All 198 countries at the summit have to decide the final Cop28 deal and many are furious that the draft allowed countries to merely “consider reducing fossil fuel use”.)

Addressing the putative phase-out of oil, the prince said coolly, “I assure you not a single person – I’m talking about governments – believes in that. I would like to put that challenge to all of those who... come out publicly saying we have to [phase down oil]. I’ll give you their name and number, call them and ask them how they are gonna do that. If they believe that this is the highest moral ground issue, fantastic. Let them do that themselves. And we will see how much they can deliver.”

Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he? Saudi’s vast wealth does rather depend on oil not being phased out. Nonetheless, the prince’s defiant challenge to the Caroline Lucas, weave-your-own-hairshirt brigade was arresting, as was his attempt to call the industrialised West’s bluff on the practicalities of achieving net zero.

Even more embarrassing for the global green “consensus” was the actual president of Cop28, Sultan Al Jaber, when he responded curtly to Mary Robinson, the chair of the Elders group and a former UN special envoy for climate change. “We’re in an absolute crisis that is hurting women and children more than anyone... and it’s because we have not yet committed to phasing out fossil fuel,” said Robinson. “That is the one decision that Cop28 can take and in many ways, because you’re head of ADNOC (United Arab Emirates’ state oil company), you could actually take it with more credibility.”


Al Jaber replied: “I’m not in any way signing up to any discussion that is alarmist. There is no science out there that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C [limiting global warming to well below 2C]. Please help me,” the sultan continued, “show me the roadmap for a phase-out of fossil fuel that will allow for sustainable socio economic development, unless you want to take the world back into caves.” Put that in your renewable wind turbine and don’t smoke it!

Al Jaber later softened his stance at a hastily arranged press conference. “I respect the science… I have repeatedly said that it is the science that has guided the principles or strategy as Cop28 president.” Still, his earlier remarks were extremely revealing, a sign of determined pushback from those countries who know we will need fossil fuels to maintain a certain standard of living for the foreseeable future and, what’s more, are increasingly prepared to say so. Plus, if Al Jaber is causing Al Gore to have a meltdown on Twitter (now X) then I reckon he must be doing something right.

“Cop28 is on the verge of failure,” thundered Gore, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for his work disseminating knowledge about man-made climate change. “The world desperately needs to phase out fossil fuels as quickly as possible, but this obsequious draft (agreement) reads as if OPEC dictated it… There are 24 hours left to show whose side the world is on: the side that wants to protect humanity’s future by kickstarting the orderly phase-out of fossil fuel or the side of the petrostates and the oil and gas companies that are fuelling the historic climate catastrophe.”  

I could devote a whole column to Gore’s putrid green double-standards. The former US vice president claims to live a carbon-neutral lifestyle “to the maximum extent possible”, although according to the National Center for Public Policy Research, Gore’s 10,000 square foot Tennessee mansion guzzles more electricity in 12 months than the average American family uses in 21 years (something Gore has disputed, claiming offsetting).

But Hunt the Eco-hypocrite is like shooting fish in a barrel. Most of the climate-change preachers, who legislate privations on the masses, are happy to give up anything. So long as it’s not their private jet.

What sticks in the craw is their claim that they alone are on the side of humanity. On the contrary, their project to save the planet spells a painful reduction in comfort and joy for millions. Politicians like Labour’s Ed Miliband who talk blithely about reaching the target of net zero by 2050 are either a) too thick to understand what’s involved or b) lying.  


Last week, I was lucky enough to interview Michael Kelly, emeritus professor of engineering at Cambridge University and fellow of the Royal Society, for the Planet Normal podcast. The transition from fossil fuels would, he said, be “the biggest engineering project undertaken in British history” – and we are nowhere near ready for what amounts to the Industrial Revolution on steroids.  

Prof Kelly has published a devastating, jaw-dropping paper called Achieving Net Zero: A Report from a Putative Delivery Agency. Because the British government has singularly failed to do a cost-benefit analysis of what it will take for the UK to be carbon neutral by 2050 (sound familiar?), Prof Kelly decided to imagine that he’d been appointed CEO of a new agency with the explicit goal of meeting that target.

Among his horrifying conclusions: the cost of the UK reaching net zero by 2050 will comfortably exceed £3 trillion (at least £180,000 for every household), a workforce comparable to the entire NHS will be required for 30 years, including a doubling of the present number of electrical engineers. The country would effectively have to “go on a war footing and a command economy will be essential, as major cuts to other forms of expenditure, such as health, education and defence. will be needed”. 

The electricity supply will have to increase by about 67 per cent in order to maintain transport at today’s level. The national grid needs to be 2.7 times bigger in 2050 than it is currently if the UK economy as we know it now is to continue to function. That is eight times the rate at which new capacity has been added over the past 30 years, including all the renewables to date.

Oh, and every home in the country will have to be rewired, plus all street distribution and local sub-stations. It has been estimated it will cost £700 billion to carry out this work, and we don’t have the manpower to do it. Without that spending, we will have to live with frequent circuit breaks, and suboptimal performance of domestic appliances. Folks, do your washing at 3am and buy a battery-powered torch for the blackouts.

If this sounds mad it’s because it is mad. To use Prof Kelly’s starkest image, if we take the cost of HS2 now as being about £100 billion, then achieving net zero will require 36 HS2s or more than one a year until 2050. You may recall, we tried to deliver just one HS2. And failed. 

The struggle to reach agreement at Cop28 is a harbinger of growing international resistance to this folly. Now is the time for a complete rethink on net zero. It is morally wrong to stubbornly adhere to a goal which will cost trillions of pounds, and isn’t even achievable. Not in the timeframe. The damage to peoples’ lives from this misguided target will be incalculable, and civil unrest a likely consequence.


We need to start again with proper cost-benefit analyses. Engineers of the calibre of Prof Kelly should be given the task of working out what is feasible with a longer horizon, and be free to express their honest view. The Climate Change Committee, which exerts a powerful hold over the thinking of clueless MPs, should be scrapped. Enough with the Green grandstanding.

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman was right to call out delusional Western leaders with their Just Stop Oil nonsense. (“Let them do that themselves. And we will see how much they can deliver.” Quite.) It would mean living without plastics, without appliances, without most clothing. Much of the twinkly joy of Christmas would be lost, along with the sparkly wrappers of Quality Street. I don’t want to live in that dreary, dark world, and nor do most people.  

At Cop28, there are many who are convinced that we face a climate catastrophe in the next few decades if net zero is not delivered. Well, I say we are certain to have an economic and societal catastrophe if we persist in trying to reach that goal by 2050. Humanity cannot bear it.


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