Our UK-USA anniversary year is almost over
That's a wrap!
Last week we shared the final episode of our special four-part UK-USA documentary series, bringing to an end our 2021 programme of events to mark 80 years since the forging of the UK-USA intelligence alliance at Bletchley Park during World War Two.
You can now watch all of the episodes on our YouTube channel! Featuring insights from David Hatch, Senior Historian at the National Security Agency, and Dr David Kenyon, Research Historian at Bletchley Park Trust, and others, find out more about how and why this alliance began, who was involved in making it a success, and why it still matters today.
No time to watch the films? Why not listen to one of our UK-USA themed podcast episodes? Start with our latest episode, released last week, to mark 80 years since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
We hope you enjoy watching the films or listening to the podcast! We look forward to sharing with you exciting news on our 2022 programme in the New Year.
Episode One: A cautious collaboration In February 1941, four Americans arrived at Bletchley Park, starting an unprecedented intelligence alliance between the UK and USA. Why was this visit set up? What happened next? Find out in Episode One. WATCH NOW > Episode Two: The war at sea How did the threat to neutral US shipping in the Atlantic bring it closer into contact with World War Two? And were signals intelligence failures to blame for Japan's 'surprise' attack on Pearl Harbor? Find out in Episode Two. WATCH NOW > Episode Three: The Bombes and Bletchley Park In Episode Three, discover personal stories of what life was like for some of the Americans based at Bletchley Park, and learn more about the US Bombe programme. WATCH NOW > Episode Four: War and peace In 1945, World War Two came to an end. What did this mean for the UK and USA's intelligence alliance? Did they know 'too darned much about each other' to go their separate ways? Find out in Episode Four. WATCH NOW > LISTEN TO THE PODCASTEpisode 132 - Easterly wind, rain On 7 December 1941, Japanese invasion forces landed in Malaya. An hour and a half later Japanese aircraft attacked the US fleet at anchor in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. Simultaneous attacks were also made on Hong Kong, Guam, Wake Island and the Philippines. Why did these attacks come as such a surprise? What was known in advance? Find out in Episode 132 of the Bletchley Park podcast. LISTEN NOW > www.bletchleypark.org.uk All images (c) Bletchley Park Trust unless otherwise stated. While every effort has been made to seek clearance, some omissions may occur. Podcast Image: Pearl Harbor attack, 7 December 1941. Address: The Mansion, Bletchley Park. Sherwood Drive. Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK3 6EB.
Charity number: 1012743 Telephone: +44 (0) 1908 640404

Image: Matt Crypto
Bletchley Park was the home of the Government Code and Cypher School