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Scientists discover population of polar bears thriving in the ice-free sea - 17.06.22

Articles from Net Zero Watch which demonstrate polar bears adapt to rising temperatures.

1) Scientists discover population of polar bears thriving in the ice-free sea as animals adapt to rising temperatures Daily Mail, 17 June 2022

2) Susan Crockford: Newly-discovered SE Greenland polar bear subpopulation: another assumption proven false Polar Bear Science, 16 June 2022 3) State of the Polar Bear 2021: Arctic bears continue to thrive Global Warming Policy Foundation, 26 February 2022

4) The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened Global Warming Policy Foundation, March 2019

While polar bears are often used as the poster child for climate change, a new study has cast doubt on whether rising temperatures will really kill off the animals. Researchers from the University of Washington have discovered a new population of polar bears thriving in the ice-free sea in Southeast Greenland.

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