Seventeen years ago the UK produced enough gas for all its domestic needs, but we are now reliant on an international market and the whims of President Putin. So what alternatives to imported gas are there that could put the energy market on a sustainable footing?
Article by Tom Witherow For The Daily Mail 8 October 2021
New North Sea gas
Production in the North Sea has dwindled because older gas fields have become too expensive to run, and new ones have taken a long time to come on stream
Restart Fracking
The Government halted fracking in England at the end of November 2019 after a series of confrontations between shale gas companies and local communities. Supporters claim there is enough shale gas in the UK to support the country's needs for decades
More Gas Storage
The UK has around 18 times less gas storage than European nations such as Italy, Germany and France, making the country extremely vulnerable to volatile prices
Shetland Oil Fields
The UK could look to new oil fields – at the risk of being accused of climate hypocrisy. The area to the west of the Shetland Islands has been named as 'the place to be' by energy experts advising firms on growing Britain's oil output.
Go Nuclear
Ministers last month said they were considering a 'change of focus' towards nuclear power to find a more reliable source of green energy than wind and solar. Industry figures have lambasted the Government for failing to replace Britain's ageing reactors sooner, despite repeated warnings
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