"Is it because we're Christians that we're being attacked, and the Muslim-controlled state and federal governments do not care to protect us?" — A Christian reported by Morning Star News, June 1, 2023, Nigeria.
A Muslim bulldozer driver at a construction site, killed his supervisor, a Christian, by crushing him to death. — copticsolidarity.org, May 18, 2023, Egypt.
Both sides [in the civil war in Sudan] are led by Islamists, "trying to portray themselves to the international community as pro-democracy advocates of religious freedom...." — Morning Star News, May 24, 2023, Sudan.
"Sudan has been governed by sharia (Islamic law) since 1983, and is one of only a few countries in modern times where the death penalty for apostasy has been carried out." In one such case from 1994, "two Christians from a tribal group that had converted from Islam in the early 1970s were executed by crucifixion." — barnabasaid.org, May 23, 2023, Sudan.
"I answered him that [the Bible] is a holy book. He... beat me that night and told me that he was punishing me for leaving Islam, and that he will automatically be rewarded in Jannah [paradise] by Allah.... He took me on his vehicle and dumped me inside Queen Elizabeth National Park to be eaten by wild animals." — Morning Star News, May 30, 2023, Uganda.
"When I was little, Muslim children would spit on the Christian cross and kiss the Islamic crescent moon in front of us. We, the Christian children in the village, were called slaves and cockroaches.... The hatred towards our Christian communities may be less visible now, but it is still there. This is because Muslims know that the authorities are behind them.... One boy taught other Muslim children to say 'kill the infidels.'" — palnws.be, June 28 2023, Turkey.
A Baby Jesus in a 400-year-old painting had his throat slit with a knife. — Journalistenwatch.com, June 2, 2023, Germany.
"The extent of attacks on Christian symbols in Central Europe [is significant but suppressed]." — Journalistenwatch.com, June 2, 2023, Germany.
The heads of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus were decapitated from a statue standing in Ajaccio, the capital of the French island which in recent years has taken in Muslim migrants. — corsematin.com, May 23, 2023, Corsica.
The following are among the murders and abuses inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of May 2023. Note: Because there were so many incidents of persecution in Pakistan, a separate article was dedicated to it here.
The Muslim Slaughter of Christians
Muslim terrorists of the Fulani variety slaughtered 43 Christians during raids on two villages in Nasarawa State. A local Christian described the jihad on Takalafiya village, on the night of May 12-13, as the Christians slept:
"Most of the victims killed during the attack are women, children and the aged, as most of them were unable to escape as the armed Muslim terrorists and herdsmen shot randomly at anyone they sighted during the ambush on the village."
A pastor and his wife were among those murdered. The village church was also torched.
Another Christian, discussing the same raid, said:
"My elder brother was critically injured and is lying between life and death. The question is, what is the sin committed by Christians in Takalafiya and Gwanja communities? Is it because we're Christians that we're being attacked, and the Muslim-controlled state and federal governments do not care to protect us?"
Two days later, during the night of May 15, Fulani terrorists armed with AK-47s and machetes murdered another 50 Christians, including another pastor, while assaulting villages in Plateau State. The attacks were again launched in the middle of the night, when Christian villagers were asleep. Most of those murdered were again women and children.
Democratic Republic of Congo:
Between May 12-14, militants of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) — an Islamic terror group connected to the Islamic State — burned to death at least eight Christians during a series of raids. The report adds that "Violent persecution continues to rise in the region, and assaults like this are shocking but sadly not surprising." A local pastor added that "The ADF is killing God's people."
Burkina Faso:
On May 25, Islamic terrorists murdered seven people, including a pastor. A local church leader related:
"The terrorists encircled the village, shooting in the air to create panic. Then, they entered a compound where they killed two people. A third person who was there fled and got to the pastor's compound. The jihadists followed him to the church leader's compound... They went in and shot the young man and pastor dead, in front of his wife."
A Christian student was slaughtered for "sharing Christ with Muslims,"
according to a May 1 report. Jeremiah Mwanga, 24, a student at a Christian school, was killed in his dorm room by a Muslim student. According to a friend of his:
"Jeremiah complained about messages from one of the students threatening to kill him for misleading Muslims by preaching to them the gospel of Christ as well as converting them to the Christian faith in the school. He requested prayers from the Christian Union fellowship."
Then, on the night of Apr. 14, the same friend heard cries on the school premises:
"After 30 minutes I rushed to the scene of incident and found out that it was Jeremiah's room. Inside the room was a pool of blood."
Jeremiah had already been rushed to a nearby medical clinic. His friend immediately set out after him:
"Reaching the clinic, I was told by the medical personnel that... he was pronounced dead upon arrival. I found him lying in the hospital bed, dead."
A search through Jeremiah's phone revealed that the death threats were made from a Muslim who also attended the school.
On May 15, a Muslim bulldozer driver at a construction site killed his supervisor, a Christian, by crushing him to death. According to the report:
"[The Muslim worker] shoved engineer Fadi Nabil Mikhail, the site supervisor, with the bucket (ram) of his loader several times before crushing him.... The workers at the site heard the victim's screams, and saw him lying on the ground next to the loader, drowning in his blood.... [He] succumbed to his fatal wounds by the time the ambulance arrived."
Before a court, the Muslim, whose name is withheld, admitted that he "intentionally and with premeditation" murdered his victim, because he had "felt annoyed when the victim gave him some orders," and so "I hit him with the loader's ram twice on his head." Citing eyewitness, however, the report states that they "did not mention such a justification, but indicated instead that the killer felt some grudges against Christians."
Moreover, "nobody saw a dispute taking place between him and between the victim in the past or prior to the incident." Despite this, last reported, prosecution was inclined to believe that the murderer "may be suffering from a mental illness," and, therefore, referred him to a "mental health facility to examine and report on his condition."
United Kingdom:
On May 1, a Muslim man who had been randomly slicing at people's faces in the streets of London, stabbed a female Christian charity worker in the neck, killing her:
"Mohamed Nur, 33, was charged on Friday for the murder of 31-year-old Johanita Kossiwa Dogbey [the Christian aid worker] and for three counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent after allegedly attacking a man and two other women in separate incidents just two days prior to the murder.
"On Tuesday, the London court heard how Nur, dressed in dark clothing, had approached Ms. Dogbey from behind as she walked alone...
"She had been returning home after buying a birthday gift for her mother in the city center.
"Using a makeshift blade, Nur allegedly stabbed his victim in the neck, causing her to bleed out and die at the scene of her injuries.
"Prosecutor Julian Evans told the court it was a 'completely unprovoked attack' on Ms. Dogbey, insisting 'there is no suggestion she and the defendant were known to one another.'
"The court heard how Nur had also allegedly attacked three other victims late on the evening of April 29, just two days before Ms. Dogbey's murder. Again, without provocation or warning, two women and a man were attacked by a man with a bladed article [made from a piece of broken mirror] in Brixton..."
On May 14, a Muslim migrant from Morocco attacked a van transporting a conservative Christian group, injuring one woman. The man hurled objects at the van and the woman — hitting her in the back with a heavy "porcelain figure." It took four policemen to subdue him, and all four received injuries.
During his tirade to the Christian party — which included threats of "ripping off" and putting their heads "in bags," and "burying them" — he accused them of trying to "take away our aid," an apparent reference to the welfare and upkeep of migrants. Prior to this incident, the Muslim migrant had been detained, including for "attempted murder."
For the full ten page article in pdf, please click here:
Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, Sword and Scimitar, Crucified Again, andThe Al Qaeda Reader, is the Distinguished Senior Shillman Fellow at the Gatestone Institute and the Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum.
About this Series
While not all, or even most, Muslims are involved, persecution of Christians by extremists is growing. The report posits that such persecution is not random but rather systematic, and takes place irrespective of language, ethnicity, or location. It includes incidents that take place during, or are reported on, any given month.
