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The West must arm Ukraine with ATACMS now. That way Putin will be defeated - Telegraph - 22.09.23

The NATO nations have it within their power to crush the Kremlin despot. We must simply supply Zelensky with the weapons he needs says Hamish de Bretton-Gordon.

ATACMS could win the war for Ukraine.

Ukraine has a maximum of 12 months, probably less, to vanquish Russia. But there is a whiff of weapons inertia in the air. The West is in danger of grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory, just as Ukraine’s tank regiments appear to be breaking through the Surovikin defensive lines. If they do in numbers, there is little to stop them galloping on to Russia. Once again, as in Balaclava, the “light” and “heavy” cavalry brigades are ready to charge the Russian guns; the modern-day version could also come unstuck if those guns are not silenced in advance.

The proclamation that Poland will no longer supply weapons to Ukraine is a headline for the domestic press ahead of elections next month, no doubt. But it is reverberating around the global press as a symptom of “Ukraine fatigue’ among the Poles.

Nothing, I expect, could be further from the truth. Poland have given more than most, and their engineering and logistic support is keeping the Ukraine army on the march. But in an agricultural economy, unlike many in the industrialised West, the farmers have a shout. With cheap Ukrainian grain flooding the European market, because of its weaponisation by Moscow, coming from farming stock I well understand their gripe.

Elections in democracies will lead politicians down a line which gets them elected, not necessarily a line which is morally right. This is as true for the United Kingdom and the United States, both holding elections next year, as it is for Poland.

It will be Washington, the global powerhouse, which has ultimate say to determine “thumbs up” or “down” for Ukraine. Western weapons are slowly turning the tide in Ukraine’s favour, but the speed and height of that tide, has thus far been far too slow and small. It took six months to deliver precision artillery to Ukraine, 12 months to supply tanks and likely two years for them to receive F16 fighter jets. If this had all come in the first twelve months of the illegal invasion, most commentators, me included, agree that the war would be over and politicians around the globe would not be scrabbling around in their moral hinterland, deciding if they should do the right thing for themselves or for peace in Europe.

Like some super tanker slowly gathering speed, the West or rather the US, can give the Ukraine offensive a turbo charge to “heavy and light” brigades by deploying the ATACMS long range artillery system without delay. Ukrainian artillery units are already trained on the MRLS (Multi Barrelled Launch System) used to fire this precision missile up to 300kms to silence once again the Russian guns in Crimea, and enable the charge of Light and Heavy brigades this time to be successful.

With Crimea retaken, vital ground for both sides, the war is over. There will be an election in Moscow, not by the ballot box, but the gun, guillotine or poison no doubt – who cares, good riddance to Putin; his replacement may be worse, but he will have no military of note to threaten us with for a decade or so.

As the euphoria of President’s Zelensky’s stirring visit to the United Nations dies down, I hope politicians in Washington, London and Warsaw can look beyond their next election, and make decisions for the good of mankind and not just themselves. This means today, getting ATACMS to the frontlines as soon as possible to silence the Russian guns, before they silence the heroic efforts of Ukraine, to defeat the evil expansionist dreams of today’s Tsar, who would likely take Poland and more, if unchecked by NATO and the West.

For this article in pdf, please click here:

Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon is former Commanding Officer of the 1st Royal Tank Regiment

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