Where, also, are the women's movements of the West? - by Dr. Majid Rafizadeh a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East.
The sister of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Badri Hosseini Khamenei, came out criticizing the whole establishment and calling for the overthrow of her brother's "despotic caliphate".
"The regime of the Islamic Republic of Khomeini and Ali Khamenei has brought nothing but suffering and oppression to Iran and Iranians. I hope to see the victory of the people and the overthrow of this tyranny ruling Iran soon." — Badri Hosseini Khamenei, in an open letter.
Even though a large number of high level public figures, celebrities, athletes are supporting the protesters and turning against the regime, calls for international support by many Iranians are being totally ignored.
"O free people, be with us and help us, and tell your governments to stop supporting this murderous and child-killing regime. This regime is not even loyal to any of its own religious principles, and does not know any laws or rules except force and maintaining power in any way possible. " — Farideh Moradkhani, niece of Ayatollah Khamenei.
It is shocking and reveals worlds about the rank hypocrisy of Western governments -- both in Europe and the United States -- that, in spite of all the human rights violations committed by Iran's regime, not a single Western country, except for Ukraine, has -- at the very least -- recalled its representatives from Iran, closed its embassies and cut diplomatic ties with Iran's murderous and child-killing regime.
In spite of the Iranian regime's brutal crackdown on protesters, many Western governments are maintaining their diplomatic relationships with the ruling mullahs and turning a blind eye to the regime's sickening human rights violations.
In spite of the Iranian regime's brutal crackdown on protesters, many Western governments are maintaining their diplomatic relationships with the ruling mullahs and turning a blind eye to the regime's sickening human rights violations. Where, also, are the women's movements of the West?
The regime recently executed a 23-year-old protester after a hasty and unfair trial. He was convicted of the vague charge of "enmity against Allah". According to Diana Eltahawy, Amnesty International's Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa:
"We are horrified that the Iranian authorities have executed Mohsen Shekari, less than three weeks after they convicted and sentenced him to death in a grossly unfair sham trial. With the Iranian authorities brutally acting on their public threats to expedite capital proceedings and carry out executions swiftly, we fear that other protesters under death sentences or charged with capital offences are at imminent risk of being sent to their deaths."
According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Iranian regime has recently killed at least 300 people and arrested 14,000.
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Pictured: Farideh Moradkhani, niece of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, denounces the Iranian regime in a video posted on YouTube. (Photo by AFP via Getty Images)