Article by Drieu Godefridi for the Gatestone Institute - 08.09.22
In 2011, the German Baltic Sea Nature Conservation Foundation was established as a result of an agreement between three of Germany's leading environmental organizations - WWF, BUND and NABU - and the company Nord Stream, which is a subsidiary of the government of Vladimir Putin.
These environmental organizations were, moreover, at the same time fiercely opposed to German civil nuclear power, to the exploitation of shale gas in Europe and to the import of American gas via the construction of liquefied petroleum gas terminals in Germany.
Those were three issues where the views of the environmental organizations were totally congruent with those of the Russian Federation. This meant betting everything on "red" -- as in a casino -- but in this instance, on Russian gas.
Right after these contractual commitments by Nord Stream AG, the environmental organizations withdrew the lawsuit they had initiated against Nord Stream...
The German press reported last month that, inspired by the success of the first foundation, the same State of Mecklenberg-Western Pomerania was setting up a new foundation as recently as January 2021, the Mecklenberg-Western Pomerania Foundation for Climate and Environmental Protection, this time endowed with 192 million euros from the Russian government.
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A real short-term memory problem: the foundation was created last year.
Drieu Godefridi is a jurist (Saint-Louis University of Louvain), a philosopher (Saint-Louis University of Louvain) and a doctor in legal theory (Paris IV-Sorbonne).

Pictured: The corporate headquarters of Gazprom Germania, the German unit of Russian natural gas company Gazprom, photographed on March 30, 2022 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)